The tactics some opponents of legislation to restore access to 340B prices in the contract pharmacy setting use are getting uglier, but fortunately many brave lawmakers are standing up to these attacks throughout the country. … [Read more...]
News & Commentary
Efforts to Derail 340B Contract Pharmacy Protections Hit New Low
Last year, I wrote a column about the irresponsible tactics of a Washington D.C.-based dark money group that poured millions of dollars into derailing state efforts to restore access to 340B discounts in the contract pharmacy setting. … [Read more...]
In the Senate, Keep an Eye on Two Powerful Lawmakers with Very Different Views on 340B
the 119th Congress includes hundreds of members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 100 U.S. Senators, but only a handful will play an key role in determining the future of the 340B drug discount program. … [Read more...]
Six Members of the U.S. House that 340B Stakeholders Should Keep an Eye on in 2025
There are 435 members of the U.S. House and 100 U.S. Senators, and each one of them can influence the 340B drug discount program. But it is the lawmakers serving on two coveted committees, the House Energy and Commerce Committee (E&C) and the … [Read more...]
Post Election Analysis: Implications for the 340B Program
With President-elect Donald Trump’s (R) big victory and the GOP takeover of the U.S. Senate in Tuesday’s elections, we are likely to see increased scrutiny over and additional efforts to place restrictions on the 340B program. … [Read more...]
Much-Needed Wins for 340B Providers but Challenges Could Be Lurking
After a long period in which many 340B providers felt helpless, the last month has brought two major wins. … [Read more...]
CMS Should Heed the Advice of 340B Community on Medicare Negotiations
The Biden administration deserves credit for playing a key role in passing the first law in history to allow the government to negotiate lower drug prices for America’s 61 million Medicare beneficiaries. … [Read more...]
Turning 340B Into a Rebate Program a Non-Starter
If things were not difficult enough already for 340B providers, hospitals woke up on Friday morning to an announcement that one of the world’s biggest drug manufacturers was moving forward with a plan to convert the 340B program to a rebate … [Read more...]
Three Key Observations from Efforts to Restore 340B Discounts in the States
After six months of heated battles in the states to restore access to 340B drug discounts in the contract pharmacy setting, it’s a good time to reflect on providers’ progress and setbacks. … [Read more...]
340B and The Likely Path Forward
Despite its importance, the 340B drug discount program rarely ever goes under the Congressional spotlight. In fact, until the June 4th House Energy & Commerce (E&C) Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee hearing, there had not been a … [Read more...]